An Old Has-Been (A Poem about an Old Faithful Outhouse)
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    Today has been an eventful day. First a phone call from a woman in California who described how the US Forest Service made her take down an old outhouse and so she described how they took it apart and moved it to their ranch. Now this...
    I recieved an email from a woman who wrote a poem about her old outhouse. Here is the story and poem...
Dear Sir/Madam:
I was researching some old "outhouse poetry" (not wall writings!) like "The Passing of the Backhouse" by James Whitcome Riley when I found your website.

A few years ago (quite a few now) I wrote a poem that I called "An Old Has-Been".

"Forgotten, lonely
Here I stand.
Unused by 
Any man.
Fancy plumbing 
Edged me out!
But it will fail
Without a doubt!
Then, once again,
As in days of yore,
They'll beat a path 
Straight to my door!"
A true story! Luckily, the old church next door had the "facilities" we needed until a new septic tank could fix the problem.
J. Davis

P.S. Certainly this poem is silly but if you want to use it on your site, fine with me. It can be found in my book, Rhymes and Riddles of a Country Teacher by Judith A. Davis. Published in 2003 by McClain Publishing Co. in Parsons, WV.

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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This Page was created on November 5, 2009