Calumet, Michigan in Houghton county in Osceola Township Restored Outhouse
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Outhouse before restoration
Outhouse before restoration
Photo taken by Mark P.
Used by permission

Outhouse before restoration
Outhouse before restoration
Photo taken by Mark P.
Used by permission

Outhouse before restoration
Outhouse before restoration
Photo taken by Mark P.
Used by permission

Outhouse After Restoration
Outhouse After Restoration
Photo taken by Mark P.
Used by permission

Outhouse After Restoration
Outhouse After Restoration
Photo taken by Mark P.
Used by permission

    In the words of the contributor, "It took a long time to send those because I live where people still use outhouses.:) This is my outhouse before and after restoring. I just finished restoring it. It is from Calumet, Michigan in Houghton county, Osceola township in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I have studied the initials carved into it. They are from a family with the last name of Strykowski. They lived in the house where this outhouse was 1900-1910. My outhouse is from that time period. The outhouse is from a "company house" that was owned by Tamarack mining company and later Calumet & Hecla mining company. They were copper mines. I am excited to share the pics and hope you will consider posting them. I will be very happy to communicate with other fans of outhouses if you would like to use my email. I am glad I got to save this little house. Thank you, Mark Pettit."

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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This Page was created on June 20, 2009