Steel Clad Outhouses Manufactured in Ontario, Canada
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The Relief Station metal outhouse
The Relief Station Metal Outhouse
Pics by Shawn G.
Used by permission

The Relief Station Metal Outhouse
The Relief Station Metal Outhouse
Pics by Shawn G.
Used by permission

The Relief Station Metal Outhouse
The Relief Station Metal Outhouse
Pics by Shawn G.
Used by permission

Interior Shot of The Relief Station Metal Outhouse
Interior Shot of The Relief Station Metal Outhouse
Pics by Shawn G.
Used by permission

Interior Shot of The Relief Station Metal Outhouse
Interior Shot of The Relief Station Metal Outhouse
Pics by Shawn G.
Used by permission

Updated Relief Station with new Roof Vent
Updated Relief Station with new Roof Vent
Pics by Shawn G.
Used by permission

Updated Relief Station with new Roof Vent
Updated Relief Station with new Roof Vent
Pics by Shawn G.
Used by permission

Updated Relief Station with new Roof Vent
Updated Relief Station with new Roof Vent
Pics by Shawn G.
Used by permission

    Shawn greatly enjoys our web site so he sent us some pictures of the Outhouses that he builds and sells in Canada. He uses quality steel to cover the outside of his outhouses in Ontario, Canada. He calls them 'Relief Stations', which the really are if you have ever had to go and there weren't any modern latrines around anywhere. He told us that he is adding ventilation to the current model to be completely 'local building code compliant'. For more information, take a look at his web site at We personally like the men's urinal construction!
    The first several pictures show the metal outhouses without a roof vent. Shawn has since added a rear wall vent and a vent tube from below the seat box through the roof. The latest pictures are at the bottom of all the pictures. He says these changes should make his outhouse local 'building code' compliant. He isn't sure if other jurisdictions have building codes for outhouses but good 'ol Canada does.
    If you are going to build an outhouse, we recommend building it without the hole in the ground. We now recommend the Loveable Loo and have a link to videos on our Outhouses of America Tour home page. We began using this system in 2011 and use sawdust to compost the solid and liquid waste. There is no odor, no contamination of the water table, streams or water and it is environment friendly. You compost the remains in a composting area using sawdust and a covering of hay, straw or natural organic material. There is no odor and no flies if you do as instructed!!! Read the book The Humanure Handbook to find out all about it. The book is included if you buy a Loveable Loo or you can build one yourself.

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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This Page was created on October 30, 2011