Booger Hollow Double Decker Outhouse
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Booger Hollow, Arkansas Population 7
Booger Hollow, Arkansas Population 7
Photo by M. Baril
The 2-Story Outhouse at Booger Hollow Arkansas
The 2-Story Outhouse at Booger Hollow Arkansas
Photo by M. Baril
    Ms. Baril accidentally came upon our site while looking for something else on the Internet. They just returned from a trip out West and came upon this Outhouse. They are from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (near Houghton - which is west of Marquette about a 100 miles), and are the true "Yoopers". The odd thing about this is that we were just in Trenary, Michigan at the annual Outhouse Classic outhouse races and one of the racers told us about the Booger Hollow Outhouse and said he would try to get us pictures of the outhouse. Just like that, someone else sent pictures!

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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This Page was created on April 24, 2005
Last Updated: 03/07/2025 15:06:57