Urban Outhouse
The Only Indoor Outhouse Reproduction in America
Indoor Outhouse with Hole Cover Down
Indoor Outhouse with Hole Cover Down
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
Indoor Outhouse hole with cover up
Indoor Outhouse hole with cover up
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
What would you like to wipe with?
What would you like to wipe with?
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
Would YOU tear a sheet or two out of the catalog?
Would YOU tear a sheet or two out of the catalog?
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
A light switch cover made out of bark
A light switch cover made out of bark
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
Use the switch to turn on this light
Use the switch to turn on this light
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
An old lantern could be used too
An old lantern could be used too
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
Another Rustic Light; notice the branches surrounding the bulbs
Another Rustic Light; notice the branches surrounding the bulbs
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
Hang your towels on an old branch...or...
Hang your towels on an old branch...or...
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
...use the ladder to hang your towels
...use the ladder to hang your towels
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
There's lots of storage
There's lots of storage
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
And there's a medicine cabinet
And there's a medicine cabinet
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
There's a candle to light in case emergency but be careful of igniting fumes
There's a candle to light in case emergency
but be careful of igniting fumes

Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
There's even a hidden clock on the wall. Can you see it?
There's even a hidden clock on the wall. Can you see it?
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
Here's an inside shot with the door closed
Here's an inside shot with the door closed
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
This is a shot inside and looking left
This is a shot inside and looking left
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
There is even an authentic moon cutout on the door!
There is even an authentic moon cutout on the door!
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
And the floor is made out of stone!
And the floor is made out of stone!
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
And last but not least, a miniature outhouse to complete the atmosphere
And last but not least, a miniature outhouse to complete the atmosphere
Photo from L. Sander
Used by permission
  The Sanders are honored and thrilled to have their Indoor Outhouse represented on The Outhouses of America Tour web site. They feel it might give folks ideas that bathrooms don't have to be boring! Theirs isn't!!
  If you have any questions about this particular indoor outhouse, you may Email the contributor.
  The owners get a thrill out of showing people these pictures, and they too love the stories they hear from other people about their own family outhouse memories!
  A friend of theirs, who is a retired antique dealer, gave them a 1902 reproduction of a Sears & Roebuck catalog for their outhouse! It's perfect!
  The contributor's husband likes to call it an "Urban Outhouse". She likes to call it "The Only Indoor Outhouse Reproduction in America". Their newspaper, the Oregonian, is planning to write a feature story about the outhouse in the Homes & Gardens section. They tell her they will definitely mention [my] wonderful site for the Oregonian's feature story!! They took pictures of the indoor outhouse this summer! How exciting!

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so here is your chance to add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page. You can use Email to respond.

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Copyright © 2000-2001
This Home Page was created on November 5, 2000
Most recent revision December 20, 2001