Now this is a Mountain Outhouse! |
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(1) Located near Pine Creek Pass by Victor, Idaho
Photo by J. Loose |
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This outhouse is located in one of the passes heading West out of Jackson Hole, WY. It is definitely usable and there was toilet paper visible between the two vertical pieces of wood in front of the door opening. |
This outhouse was unusual in that it did not really have a door. The opening was wide open but protected by the make-shift fence of wood in front of it.
You just had to go around the fence to use it. I found the design to be quite interesting and rather unique. The native grasses were quite high but they helped to camouflage the opening. |
This was another wonderful sunny day with bright blue skies. We had just had milk shakes at the first town outside of Jackson Hole after going through the mountain pass. I saw the outhouse from the main road and had to turn around to take the picture. There were thistles near where I took the picture with purple blooms and bees flying around the blooms. I also took a picture of one the blooms and it turned out quite nicely. |
I have received a couple of comments about the location of this outhouse.
Here are some of the comments:
- It appears you are heading west out of Victor, ID toward "Pine Creek Pass."
- This is not taken at the "top" of the pass (there is only one mountain pass leading west from Jackson.) The pass in National Forest and the hillsides are VERY steep. There are no manmade structures.
- The other pass leading west is the Hoback canyon, leading DOWN the Snake River into Idaho.
- The only town where you might have gotten milk shakes is Victor, Idaho, in the Teton basin across the mountain pass from Jackson Hole. The hills in the background look typical of Victor, as does the farm, and the "John".
- Lived in Jackson Hole for ten years and never heard of Jackson Hole Pass. Going west there is Teton Pass and the Snake River Canyon. Oh well, neat outhouse though.
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