A Quebec "Becosse" (Outhouse)

Front View of a Home-Built Outhouse in Quebec
Front View of a Home-Built Outhouse in Quebec
Photo by S. Loutfi
Corner View of the BecosseSide view of the Becosse
Corner View of the Becosse
Photo by S. Loutfi
Side View of the Becosse
Photo by S. Loutfi
In the beautiful Province of Quebec, the French slang word for outhouse is "becosse". It is Pierre's learned opinion that the word comes from the English "back-house".
Pierre built his second "becosse" this Spring because the wife was complaining about the fact that the actual becosse was located at a distance of 1/4 mile of the shack...
The becosse shown above is 54 inches by 54 inches and the walls are eight feet tall. The structure is made of oak beams (4 inches by 4 inches) that they got at a local scrap yard. The roof is covered of hand splitten red cedar shingles. 54 inches is a very comfortable size. Pierre's first "becosse" was only 42 inches and although it was build according to the government's standards, it was too small. The public servant who enacted the by-law must have been a small man.
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This Home Page was created on Friday September 12, 1997
Most recent revision September 15, 1997