A Copper Outhouse Music Box

Front View of the Copper OuthouseThe Door is Beginning to Open
Front View of the Copper Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
The Door is Beginning to Open
Photo by J. Loose
Side View of the OuthouseFront Left View of the Outhouse
Side View of the Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
Front Left View of the Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
Whoops! We caught someone using the Outhouse!Top Left View of the outhouse
Whoops! We caught someone using the Outhouse!
Photo by J. Loose
Top Left View of the Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
Well, another birthday has come and gone and wouldn't you know, my Mom and Sister have discovered a place that sells all kinds of outhouses. This one was purchased by my Mom and given to me for my birthday. It is made entirely of copper and there is a music box inside which plays a song as the door opens to show you someone taking a leak!
What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so here is your chance to add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page. You can use Email to respond.


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This Home Page was created on Friday June 27, 1997
Most recent revision June 27, 1997