General Coffee State Park Outhouse
in Douglas, Georgia

Meeks Cabin and Outhouse Close-up of the Outhouse
Meeks Cabin and Outhouse
Photo by A. Nichols
Close-up of the Outhouse
Photo by A. Nichols
Another Angle of the Outhouse Outhouse Moon on Door
Another Angle of the Outhouse
Photo by A. Nichols
Outhouse Moon on Door
Photo by A. Nichols
Triangular Outhouse Holes!
Triangular Outhouse Holes!
Photo by A. Nichols
These pictures were taken at General Coffee State Park in Douglas Georgia. They were taken in an area called Heritage Farm. The first photo is the Meeks Cabin, an authentic 1828 log cabin. Notice the outhouse at the edge of the picture. The cabin is authentic and was moved to the park from it's original site. The outhouse is a replica and was built at this site. The second photo is of the outhouse with the door closed and the third shows the door open. The fourth photo is of the "moon cutout" in the door.
The last photo is of the seat with the two diamond shape holes. I have never heard of diamond shaped holes before. Has anyone out there?
There was an opening in the rear of the outhouse and the sun was streaming in. There was bright sunlight under the seats. With the interior being dark it really showed in the photos.
What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so here is your chance to add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page. You can use Email to respond.


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This Home Page was created on March 31, 1998
Most recent revision March 31, 1998