The Outhouse That Started
The Outhouses of America Tour!

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Aerial View of The Outhouse that started the Outhouses of America Tour
Aerial View of The Outhouse that started The Outhouses of America Tour
Photo from the archives of M. Loose
This is an aerial shot of the farm where the outhouse is located where I was caught with my pants down! Have you read about it yet? After viewing this photo, you can go directly to the story on how the Outhouses of America Tour website began by clicking here! But Wait! Don't go yet... Check out the photo above. Can you see the outhouse? Follow the arrow to find it. As you can see, it was located at the time of this picture, behind and to the left of the garage. The photo shown below shows the same outhouse later on. It was relocated a little closer to the house. This brings to mind the information I have recently found out that you can actually "dig" out the old location of an outhouse and discover the history of the owners. You will read all about some of these digs on my Outhouse Digger page which will be up on the site soon.
Racoon in the Outhouse!
This aerial shot shows you the farm that my grandparents homesteaded a long time ago. It is there where my experience with outhouses began such a long time ago. Many a day was spent in the outhouse by me and my family. I can remember sitting there reading the penciled handwriting on the wall. My grandfather used to sit in there and write all kinds of historical facts on the walls such as the current weather "rained today" or who to pay "must pay for grain today". It was kind of a nostalgic place to go and I kind of miss going there. An outhouse has it's own personality and this one really did have some personality. I hope you enjoy the Outhouses of America tour of outhouses and hope you return again and again to see new additions in the future.
What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so here is your chance to add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page. You can use Email to respond.

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This Home Page was created on January 12, 1998