Get Privy to Da 8th Wonder of the World
in Trenary, Michigan

Here's where it all happens; Trenary, Michigan USA
Welcome to Trenary, Michigan
Home of Da 8th Wonder of the World!
Sherry holding the 2001 Outhouse Classic Trophy
Sherry holding the 2001 Outhouse Classic Trophy
Photo by J. Loose

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Here's what you win if you win the race with the fastest time!
Here's what you win if you win the race with the fastest time!
Photo by J. Loose
The 2001 Trophies for the 8th Outhouse Classic
The 2001 Outhouse Classic Trophies & Ribbons
Photo by J. Loose

The Outhouses That Received Awards
People's Choice - Tie between Da Can and Wonder Thunder from Down Under
Most Humorous - Wunder Thunder from Down Under
Best Workmanship - Duo-rrhea Gladstone, MI
Best Presentation - Chums Bar & Triple Creek Nursery Perkins, MI
Best use of Theme - Did ya ever wonder, Does a bear shit in the woods?
Rapid River, MI

Race Results and Times

Kids 12 and under
1st Place - Chums Bar and Triple Creek Nursery: 21.41 Seconds
Perkins, MI Pushers: Travis and D.J.
2nd Place - Backwoods Boys: 23.35 Seconds
Rapid River, MI Pushers: Mike and Nick
3rd Place - Operating Engineers Local 324: 25.32 Seconds
Trenary, MI Pushers: Mindi and Justin

Adults Category
Ages 13 - 30Ages 31 and Over
1st Place - Chums Bar and Triple Creek Nursery: 29.26 Seconds
Perkins, MI Pushers: Jason and Shane
1st Place - The Watering Hole: 32.21 Seconds
Green Bay, WI Pushers: Deb and Dean
2nd Place - Stumbling and Staggering Outhouse: 29.41 Seconds
Hillman, MI Pushers: Scott and Chris
2nd Place - Pack 488: 34.87 Seconds
Rapid River, MI Pushers: Lionel and John
3rd Place - Norbert's Shitter: 29.55 Seconds
DePere, WI Pushers: Paul and Greg
3rd Place - Wonder Thunder from Down Under: 35.45 Seconds
Pushers: Scott and Paul

We Race Outhouses

Get Privy to DA 8th Wonder of the World
at the Outhouse Classic

  What is the Outhouse Classic? Build an outhouse with wood and/or cardboard, put in a toilet seat & roll of toilet paper, mount it on skis and PUSH it 500 feet to WIN! They even give an Outhouse Classic Tshirt with every paid entry (2 pushers per entry).
  Where is The Outhouse Classic held? Trenary, Michigan
  When is the Outhouse Classic held? The last weekend of February.
  How do I get there from here? In Michigan, drive North on I-75 to Mackinac City, MI. Cross the Mackinac Bridge to St. Ignace and head West on Route 2. Eventually you come to Gladstone, MI. From there, head North for about 19 Miles and watch for the signs to the Outhouse Classic! Nearest Airport is Escanaba, MI.
Who can race and is there anything else to do?
  Kids Race (Ages 6 to 12): Size of the outhouse must be 18" x 24" x 40" tall. Attach 12" push bars on each side for safety. Skis or toboggan allowed for runners. You must register by noon; race starts at 1:00 PM. Cash prices for 1st - 3rd Place
  Adult Race (2 age categories): Minimum size must be 3' x 4' x 6' tall on skis only! (Push bars, not to exceed 16", recommended.) Cash prices for 1st - 3rd Place
  Volleyball: Played on a snow field with orange lines painted on the snow.
Be creative and get judged on your workmanship, presentation, most humorous idea, miles most traveled and closest to theme ideas of your outhouse.
  OK. Enough advertising. Let's get down to my viewpoint of this event...
  Being the Curator of the Outhouses of America tour, I thought it only fitting that I make the pilgrimage up to Trenary again this year to see what this year's event would be like. I departed Detroit on Friday morning and arrived at the motel in Gladstone, Michigan before 6 PM.
  This year Michigan has gotten a ton of snow so I wasn't worried about the races this year. I was more worried about if I would get there. I left in a snowstorm and drove in and out of snow all the way to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. When I stopped to pay the toll at the Mackinac bridge, there was a notice that Route 2 was closed west of St. Ignace The detour took me north about 10 miles and then I headed west about 10 miles and finally southwest into Brevort. When I returned on Sunday, I found out why the road was closed: There were snowdrifts over 10 feet high along side Route 2 just before St. Ignace. Apparently, they get massive drifting there due to the proximity of Lake Michigan and there is nothing to stop the wind from blowing the snow off the lake. Total mileage to get there: 438 miles! I still can't believe I drove 438 miles to see Outhouses Racing down Main Street of Trenary, Michigan on skis. I was NOT disappointed. It was the Best Ever again this year!

Toivo Aho is this year's race chairman
Introducing Toivo Aho; this year's race chairman
Photo by J. Loose
    This year Toivo Aho (Outhouse Classic Committee President) and Sherry (Outhouse Classic Secretary) promised me they would put up a platform for photography since I take the official video that is shown each year in the tavern. Sure enough, when I got there on Saturday they were erecting the platform. It is shown above in the picture along with the finish line and Toivo. The trophies for the race winners are hand made by a local craftsman. T-shirts, sweatshirts, buttons, headbands and various other souvenirs were on sale inside the yellow tent next to the bars on Saturday. The Outhouse Committee this year was chaired by Toivo. It usually switches off between Toivo Aho and Rollie Oullette. Toivo is very nice to talk to and very courteous. This event is just like many other events; it is hard to find volunteers to be on the Outhouse Committee because it is hard work to organize it every year.
    On Saturday, I arrived in Trenary around noon and took many of the pictures you see on this page. The main problem I have with taking the pictures and video is that I can only take pictures from noon until about 1:40 PM and then I need to get ready to take the video. Quite a few entries tend to pull in at the last minute so I seem to miss some every year. During the races, I take video and a copy of it is shown on the big screen inside the Trenary Tavern beginning on the Sunday following the race. On race day, there are people everywhere playing volleyball on the snow, drinking all kinds of "beverages", walking down Main St. and talking amongst themselves. A local radio station was there again this year and had speakers mounted to many poles and they announced the races.
    The first racers to head down the track were the kids. I think there were around 5 or 6 entries and they were really funny to watch. People were lining the track all the way from the start to the finish line and beyond. The kids race about 200 feet. This year, the perch they built for me at the finish line resulted in a great video. I could take the video from start to finish and get the racers reactions after they crossed the finish line. When the adults raced, one racer wearing shorts and a t-shirt, fell down at the finish line with exhaustion.
    Around 2 PM, the real action begins. The crowd this year had to top 3500 people. The adults push the outhouses 500 feet down Main St. and all kinds of strategies are used. Some pulled, some pushed, some had one pusher in the front on one side and at the back on the other side. The correct way to push the Outhouses is to have two people in the back, pushing, which is very hard to do. Just think about it; you have to run at top speed down a snow covered surface. How do you get traction? Some used spikes or golf shoes; others fell! This year was no exception; many outhouses kept going off the track on one side or the other. I attributed that to uneven pushing. In some cases, the racers stopped to "mingle" with the crowd. This year the snow was like corn snow and not easy to push through. The winning times this year were much slower than last year.
    The young adults (aged 13-30) raced first followed by the "kids" aged 31-49 and then the older adults. This year, I had many favorites, including the Pooper Trooper entry. This outhouse took the place of the Dog Patch last year. It was pushed by two women dressed as troopers. They had prisoners dressed in orange prison uniforms and all of them were very funny. The troopers had handcuffs and one tried to handcuff me. I had a vision of me being handcuffed to her the rest of the day when she told me she didn't have a key. Luckily, she couldn't get the one side off her pants! There weren't any earth shaking funny entries this year but the Crappuccino Machine had to be one of the best ideas. There was also Kurts Place that claimed they found the Florida ballots. They had been dropped down the hole of this "ballot box" entry.
    The weather on Race Day started out cold and got colder as the day went on. It was snowing the entire time of the race and the wind was blowing out of the East and it was COLD! While in Gladstone, I ate my meals at a restaurant called Delonas and it had excellent home cooked meals. I'd recommend it to anyone. They also kept their parking lot sanded which was nice. I also had a couple of Bratwursts at the Fire Hall in Trenary. They served home cooked items including hot dogs, Bratwursts and Pasties, which are a specialty of Wisconsin and Northern Michigan.
    So what will be on tap for next year? Only time will tell but if the weather is good, you just might find me at the 9th Annual Outhouse Classic Races again!
    One last thing: I have told many people about the Outhouse Races in Trenary and I can't tell you how many times I heard the comment "Oh, I know someone from Trenary!".

This year's massive crowd at the 8th Wonder of the World I think this year had more visitors than last year's Outhouse Classic. Who says Outhouse Racing is not popular? This view is from the finish line.

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This year's massive crowd at the 8th Wonder of the World
Photo by J. Loose

Best Workmanship Award

Now you under stand how they got the term Duo in there!

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You can Go as you Ride!
Photo by J. Loose

Most Humorous Award

This entry took a lot of awards. If you raised up the cover and looked down inside, it looked like the inside of a hot tub. The deposits inside were nothing that would be found in a hot tub!!!

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The Wonder Thunder Down Under
Wonder Thunder from Down Under
Photo by J. Loose
The Pooper Troopers
The Pooper Troopers
Photo by J. Loose
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  1. You have the right to a silent but deadly fart!
  2. You have the right to talk to the person on the next hole while you are being wiped.
  3. Anything that is left after the first flush can and will be used against you
  4. If you cannot afford soft 2-Ply, a corn cob will be supplied before entering the shitter.
  5. You have the right to double wipe.
    Do you understand each of these shitty rights?
    Enforced by the Pooper Troopers
The Pooper Trooper entry was one of my favorites. Although it didn't win an award this year (I strongly think this one should have won the most humorous award), this entry was really funny. These veteran enthusiastic young women yearly come up with great entries. In the past, they brought you The Vat-i-can and Dog Patch. This year the two main characters were dressed up as troopers complete with full uniforms and a bullet in their front pocket. They had three prisoners dressed up in orange prison uniforms and while pushing the outhouse, they had a real siren going along with a rotating flasher. The troopers carried fake pistols, er, squirt guns filled with Pucker. They had handcuffs and billy clubs too. At one point they tried to handcuff me but I managed to escape. Unfortunately, I got this only picture of the outhouse and a lot of video of the girls but no picture of them. I'll try to get one.
This outhouse had a picture of a man with a number something like 222222. The troopers said he was wanted because of this terrible 2's... It also had the rights that must be read when people are arrested.

People's Choice Award
Da Can!

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Obviously, this entry loves beer. I think there was even a beer tap on the back side. Inside? That's for you to guess.
Da Can
Da Can!
Photo by J. Loose
The bars on Main Street and where you sign up for the races This is a view of the bars on Main Street and the tent containing the sign up sheets and clothing for sale.

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The bars on Main Street and where you sign up for the races
Photo by J. Loose

Best Presentation Award
1st Place in the Adults 31-49 category
29.26 seconds

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Just prior to the 8th Wonder of the World Outhouse Classic, Dale Earnhardt died in a crash at the Daytona 500. This entry and also the kids entry from Chums Bar were a tribute to Dale.
Best Presentation Award
Best Presentation Award
Photo by J. Loose
You can Go as you Ride! This was a funny entry. As you can see, creative minds prevale when building an outhouse. I guess you can't be very shy when going in this dual hole outhouse!
You can Go as you Ride!
Photo by J. Loose
Not too bad of an entry. Kind of colorful, eh? The Pub - Life is Nice
The Pub - Life is Nice
Photo by J. Loose
Len's Service This entry is there every year. I think Len's Service is located in Trenary.
Len's Service
Photo by J. Loose
The fire department in Trenary always enters the race. I think they use the same entry every year. This picture was taken just in front of the fire hall and you can see the locals grilling fresh hot dogs, brat's and other good food. It is for sale inside the fire hall. I eat there every year after the races. Mathias Township Fire Department Entry & cooking Brats
Mathias Township Fire Department Entry & cooking Brats
Photo by J. Loose
Knotty Pine Bar White House The White House is another term used for an Outhouse.
Knotty Pine Bar White House
Photo by J. Loose

1st Place - Kids Race
Chums Bar and Triple Creek Nursery: 21.41 Seconds

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This outhouse took 1st place in the kids race. It was the miniature version of the full size tribute to Dale Earnhardt.

The kids version of a tribute to Dale Earnhardt #3
1st Place Kids Racing Teams
Photo by J. Loose
The Backwoods Boys - 2nd Place in the Kids category

2nd Place - Kids Race
The Backwoods Boys: 23.35 Seconds

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Pretty cool entry, right?
3rd Place in the Kids Race
Photo by J. Loose

3rd Place - Kids Race
Operating Engineers Local 324:
25.32 Seconds

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This entry is created by Patty the Painter. She enters a new design every year based on heavy equipment.
Operating Engineers Local 324
Operating Engineers Local 324
Photo by J. Loose
Another view of the entry from Operating Engineers Local 324 Here's what the entry looks like sans pushers. This entry was raced in two age group categories. Quite a few of the entries were raced in two age group categores.
Another view of the entry from Operating Engineers Local 324
Photo by J. Loose
This was another Kids entry. I thought it was kind of cute. A cute entry named Poo Poo Pee Do!
A cute entry named Poo Poo Pee Do!
Photo by J. Loose
Outhouse Outfitters - a well constructed outhouse This kids entry outhouse was very well constructed and had a small "person" inside. Take a look at the next picture to see the intruder.
Outhouse Outfitters - a well constructed outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
Take a look at a rare shot of the inside on one of the kids entries. The inside of Outhouse Outfitters Outhouse
The inside of Outhouse Outfitters Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
The Wonder Thunder

People's Choice Award
Most Humorous Award
3rd Place - 31 Yrs Old and Up
Wonder Thunder from Down Under:
35.45 Seconds

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The Wonder Thunder
Photo by J. Loose
This outhouse represents one of the two taverns in Trenary on Main Street. Trenary Tavern's Outhouse
Trenary Tavern's Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
Rapid River, MI Swallow Inn (Birch Run Social Club) A very creative use of duct tape and tie wraps.
Rapid River, MI Swallow Inn (Birch Run Social Club)
Photo by J. Loose

2nd Place Adults 31-49 Yrs Old
34.87 Seconds

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Pack 488 from Rapid River, MI
Pack 488 from Rapid River, MI
Photo by J. Loose
H & H Beer Mug complete with froth on top I thought this one was pretty neat. It was in the shape of a beer mug complete with the head on top.
H & H Beer Mug complete with head on top
Photo by J. Loose
Just before the start of the races, the judges make their rounds taking a look at all the entries. They must take into consideration if the Outhouse meets all the rules of the age group category. Some entries were a bit on the skeptical side of the rules this year. The judges consider all bribes!
The judges consider all bribes!
Photo by J. Loose
The People's State Bank entry this year This year People's State Bank returned with this entry. Is the pig a mascot of their outhouse or using it?
The People's State Bank entry this year
Photo by J. Loose

Best Use of Theme: Did ya ever wonder, does a bear shit in the woods?

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Funnnny! That's all I can say about this entry.
Did ya ever wonder, does a bear shit in the woods?
Did ya ever wonder, does a bear shit in the woods?
Photo by J. Loose
Poop Corn; Get your Poop Corn here! I laughed my head off on this entry. If I remember right, there were two women dressed in Poop Corn uniforms complete with pink and white stripes pushing the Poop Corn machine, er, Outhouse!
Poop Corn; Get your Poop Corn here!
Photo by J. Loose
Another favorite of mine. Did you ever wonder just what happened to the Florida ballots in the November 2000 presidential election? It appears they ended up in the Outhouse at Kurt's Place!

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Kurt's Place from Wisconsin
Kurt's Place from Wisconsin
Photo by J. Loose
St. Norbert Outhouses of all shapes, sizes and designs were at Trenary again this year. This outhouse had cardboard sides with a shower curtain front door. What else do you need for privacy? Notice on this entry how low the front is in relation to the snow. As this one was being pushed, the snow gathered in front of it so it was acting as a snow plow. In this year's corn snow, it really made a difference in their time.
St. Norbert
Photo by J. Loose
This outhouse was pretty neat looking with the art work all the way around it. Notice the stretch wrap holding it together. Al's Latrine Queen
Al's Latrine Queen
Photo by J. Loose
Library of Alexandria - Trenary Branch. Notice the books in The Library Keep going. The outhouses will keep getting better. The Trenary Library entry was a great looking entry complete with a library full of books inside. You will not get bored inside this outhouse as there is plenty of reading material. I wonder what some of the titles are?
Library of Alexandria - Trenary Branch. Notice the books in The Library
Photo by J. Loose
This outhouse entry was pretty well constructed out of what looks like paneling. Inside the frame was made out of PVC pipe. I think this one could be used in the woods! DiBerardina Landscaping from Birch Run, MI
DiBerardina Landscaping from Birch Run, MI
Photo by J. Loose
Da Screemer Outhouse entry This was another pretty good entry. Notice the construction of the skis. They allowed the outhouse to sit well above the snow and therefore, no snow plowing by the pushing crew.
Da Screemer Outhouse entry
Photo by J. Loose
This was a hum dinger of an entry and VERY creative. It's pretty hard to read some of the writing in this picture. Take a look at the next coupld of pictures for more views of this entry.

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Get your Crappucinno here! An Outhouse Crappucinno machine.
Get your Crappucinno here! An Outhouse Crappucinno machine.
Photo by J. Loose
Crappucinno anyone? World's Biggest Line of Crappuccino Makers. The 8th Street Coffee House in Escanaba, MI built this entry.
Crappucinno anyone?
Photo by J. Loose
Here is a front view of the Crappuccino machine. Notice the detail of the frother, dials and what else? Notice the detail of the Crappuccino Maker
Notice the detail of the Crappuccino Maker
Photo by J. Loose
Erb Lumber's entry Erb Lumber has an entry every year. This is their entry this year.
Erb Lumber's entry
Photo by J. Loose
I feel this year there were many more people viewing the races than last year. The cars were parked from Main Street all the way back to the main north - south highway West of town and about a mile the other direction. There were three buses that brought people as well. The radio station was there again this year in addition to AP, two local TV stations and at least one magazine in addition to myself representing the Outhouses of America Tour web site. Another shot of the crowd viewing the Trenary, MI Outhouse Races
Another shot of the crowd viewing the Trenary, MI Outhouse Races
Photo by J. Loose
The West side of Main St. showing outhouses after their finish This is a picture I took from the finish line. After the Outhouses finish their race, they are pushed to the front of the Trenary Coop for people to take a look at.
The West side of Main St. showing outhouses after their finish
Photo by J. Loose
This picture was taken looking East from Main St. The volleyball game can be seen in progress along with one of the local churches. A shot of the snow volleyball court and a local church
A shot of the snow volleyball court and a local church
Photo by J. Loose
Check out a volleyball game being played on top of a few feet of snow! A volleyball game was in full progress when I took this picture. You can see the ball was just served to the other side. Lots of cheering takes place during these games to keep warm. Refreshments of the alcohol variety grace the area to keep warm with!

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Check out a volleyball game being played on top of a few feet of snow!
Photo by J. Loose

    What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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This Home Page was created on March 4, 2001
Most recent revision March 4, 2001