The Owl Outhouse in the heart of
Ottawa National Forest, Michigan
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The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission

The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission

The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission

The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission

The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission

The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission

The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission

The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission

The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission

The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission

The Owl Outhouse and Owl Artifacts
Photo from an anonymous person
Used by permission
     This Outhouse Owlhouse/Owlhouse Outhouse is quite remarkable! The owlhouse is located on a small lake in the heart of the Ottawa National Forest in the upper peninsula of Michigan. The owners built it in 1981 and it has been in use every summer since then. 95% of the owls were purchased at Goodwill Stores, St. Vincent De Paul or rummage sales. Around 1990, they started collecting all types of forest animal statues - deer, squirrels, racoons etc., but after a couple of years, 3/4 of all the animals that they found were owls so they decided to focus solely on them. They also started finding pictures of Owls so they put them up too. Now anything with an owl on it is fair game.
    The Owl House also features a transparent fiberglass roof that allows plenty of light to shine in.

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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This Page was created on August 12, 2006