A Ski Trail Outhouse in the Adirondack Mountains
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A Ski Trail Outhouse in the Adirondack Mountains
A Ski Trail Outhouse in the Adirondack Mountains
Photo from Yodrewski, The Ski Mogul
Used by permission
    This contributor thought we might like to post this picture of this Outhouse. It is located in the Adirondack mountains of North Creek, NY. It is just a great place for the weary winter traveler who has to go. Built in the early 1900's and preserved by natures winters, it stands silent though the seasons change. Yet it is inviting to those who have to GO. Interior features include: mirror,weather proof toilet paper holder, reading material, natures "surround "sound stereo system, Solar heated by the afternoon sun and no waiting line.

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This Page was created on January 25, 2006