Short Tract, New York Privy
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Short Tract, New York Privy What's left a year later
Short Tract, New York Privy
Photo taken by J. Gelser
Used by permission
What's left a year later
Photo taken by J. Gelser
Used by permission
     In the words of Mr. Gelser;
    This was our family's privy which is located near of Short Tract, New York. We used it from 1923-1943. It was built about the same time as the house in 1889. There is no big mystery about this building.
    My brothers & sisters helped with the farm chores, went to school along with the rest of the neighborhood. The outhouse served its purpose in their lives through the "Great Depression" and beyond.
     The photo was taken in November of 2004 by Jordan Gelser. Upon inspection it was found to be functional with an acceptable amount of sway.
    I paid a visit to our old outhouse last spring and the photo on the right above is what I found. At that time the South & West side were still solid. (?) Slowly but surely the earth is reclaiming what was a reliable tool in everyday life.

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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This Page was created on September 11, 2006