Harvey Firestone's Outhouse
at Greenfield Village Dearborn, Michigan
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Harvey Firestone Outhouse at his home in Greenfield Village Dearborn, Michigan
Harvey Firestone Outhouse at his home in Greenfield Village Dearborn, Michigan
Photo taken by John L.

You used to wipe your arse with corn cobs while using the Outhouse
You used to wipe your arse with corn cobs while using the Outhouse
Photo taken by John L.

Harvey Firestone Outhouse at his home in Greenfield Village Dearborn, Michigan
Harvey Firestone Outhouse at his home in Greenfield Village Dearborn, Michigan
Photo taken by John L.

Harvey Firestone's house at Greenfield Village Dearborn, Michigan
Harvey Firestone's house at Greenfield Village Dearborn, Michigan
Photo taken by John L.

Peach pie baked in the coal oven in Harvey Firestone's house in Greenfield Village Dearborn Michigan
Peach pie baked in the coal oven in Harvey Firestone's house in Greenfield Village Dearborn Michigan
Photo taken by John L.

Cookies baked in the coal oven in Harvey Firestone's house in Greenfield Village Dearborn Michigan
Cookies baked in the coal oven in Harvey Firestone's house in Greenfield Village Dearborn Michigan
Photo taken by John L.

Cooking on the coal oven in Harvey Firestone's house in Greenfield Village Dearborn Michigan
Cooking on the coal oven in Harvey Firestone's house in Greenfield Village Dearborn Michigan
Photo taken by John L.

Meat being cured in the basement of Harvey Firestone's house in Greenfield Village Dearborn Michigan
Meat being cured in the basement of Harvey Firestone's house in Greenfield Village Dearborn Michigan
Photo taken by John L.

     If you go to Greenfield Village (open from April 15 until December) you can visit a working farm. On that farm is the home where Harvey Firestone grew up. Yes, think Firestone tires. That is him. His home is actually used to cook food for the men who do all the heavy work. The women back in the late 1800's would do the cooking, curing of the meat, clothes washing, cleaning, etc. while the men would do the farming, take care of the animals, work on the crops and much more. Let me tell you, when you walk through the door, you can smell all the fresh food the women are cooking. We went on a Saturday and they were cooking a peach pie for Sunday dinner, cookies and deviled eggs. There are cows, chickens, turkeys, horses, sheep and more outside and in the barn. We visited on April 23 and on that day, a new lamb was born, In the barn, you could see all the newly born sheep running around and nursing. Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan is one of the neatest places you will ever visit and I highly recommend it. Where else can you ride in a Model T Ford, ride in a horse and buggy, ride in a super old school bus and ride in a horse drawn carriage? It is a treasure trove. On the working farm, they have other buildings that have people giving live demonstrations. Here are some of the things you can see: Tin shop, Print shop, Pottery shop, Sawmill, Grist mill, cider mill, machine shop where you can machine your own brass candle holder and much more.

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This Page was created on April 24, 2016