Waipio Valley (located on the Big Island of Hawaii) Snack Bar Outhouse
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Waipio Valley (located on the Big Island of Hawaii) Snack Bar Outhouse
Waipio Valley (located on the Big Island of Hawaii) Snack Bar Outhouse
Photo from T. Smith
Used by permission
Back view of the snack bar outhouse
Back view of the snack bar outhouse
Photo from T. Smith
Used by permission
    In Waipio Valley (located on the Big Island of Hawaii) outhouses are very common. My mother grew up there with an outhouse. We recently built one on the family property for use while we are down there camping. We built it out of an old snack shack that was in a park here. Thought you may appreciate this picture!
    This was the 2nd outhouse we built! The first was just a hole in the ground (with a big plastic barrel for support) and old metal roofing sheets! I did a video on the making of it; if you are interested! The funniest thing about that outhouse, was that any time someone went in....Well; you were a target! Throw a rock at that, and it echoed in your ears for a long time! So much fun! We called it T.U.R.D. Toilet Underwriters, Reconstruction, and Design. We called ourselves "the T.U.R.D. crew". We are actually getting ready to build a new, smaller one on the back of the property, and fill in the one I sent to you...Make that a little sleeping berth, or maybe a kitchen if we cut out some windows! It was a bad design, as none of us researched. We meant it to be a composting toilet, but it got so stinky! I think we didn't dig the hole deep enough, and we were using lime, instead of organic matter. In any case; we had my mothers 80th Birthday party there last month; to celebrate the land she was born on (the original house got taken off the foundation back in 78 by a hurricane, and disassembled); about 25 of us camped down there all weekend. A lot of pilau (stink!) While my mother grew up out there, she said they tried indoor plumbing with a toilet, but wherever they dug, they came up with water. A lot of underground springs there. So that is our challenge! Our next one will be where the original was! Our Uncle is going to guide us! Anyway, My video "Turd" is really funny. Everyone has outhouses down there. It is only accessible by 4 wheel drive. A beautiful valley..It was the utopia at the end of the film "Water World". Mahalo!

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This Page was created on May 22, 2006