Front View of the Outhouse in NH
Front View of the Outhouse in NH
Photo by J. Courmier
The Proud Owner and Builder!
The Proud Owner and Builder!
Photo by J. Courmier
Side View
Side View
Photo by J. Courmier
Indoors looks as good as the outside
Side View
Photo by J. Courmier
Closeup of the Moon
Closeup of the Moon
Photo by J. Courmier
The toilet paper holder
The toilet paper holder
Photo by J. Courmier
Closeup view of the inside
Closeup view of the inside
Photo by J. Courmier
     The builder thanks the Outhouses of America Tour for inspiring her to build this fantastic looking Outhouse. The pictures above are photos of the outhouse she built in Northern New Hampshire. It was her first solo building project and she had a great time. They use a sawdust toilet based on "The Humanure Handbook" concepts. The privy is complete with a propane heater, magazine rack, potpourri and candles. She thanks us for our web site.
    The sawdust toilet is actually a system for composting human waste. You are correct....there is no "hole". They have just started using the system and got all of their information from the Humanure Handbook. The website is HERE if you are interested in the concept. It beats the heck out of digging a pit, it has virtually no odor and does not leach human waste into ground water.
    The curator of the Outhouses of America Tour told her he used to live and ski in NH and also drive by the Old Man in the Mountain and stop to view it. She said they do miss the Old Man, but life goes on. The next time she drives up to the property, she will go through Franconia Notch and give a wave to Cannon MT for us!!

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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This Home Page was created on February 14, 2004