Out With The Old...and...
Photo from J.Mudgett
Used by permission |

in with the new!
Photo from J.Mudgett
Used by permission |

Putting on the finishing touches
Photo from J. Mudgett
Used by permission |
    A couple of years ago the Mudgetts purchased property in Wisconsin which had an Outhouse. Their first thought was to get rid of that "eye sore"
asap until one of the neighbors mentioned how handy it was to have a backup "John". He also said he was sorry that his Outhouse had been torn down since current laws prohibit building one. He then pointed out that the Mudgett's Outhouse was protected by a grandfather clause and could be restored perpetually, but once torn down, could never be replaced.
    The Mudgett's mission had now been defined. Having received inspiration from the Outhouses of America website, they began their quest to help preserve one tiny piece of "Americana" for future generations.
    The road they had chosen was not a well traveled one and they were forced to endure the sarcastic
barbs of the "non-enlightened" (particularly while applying over $500 worth of grade A cedar siding). However, as the project progressed, they received countless hours of assistance and numerous donations of materials
from their neighbors. The Mudgetts found that their much maligned idea had now become a focal point of the entire neighborhood. The firewood delivery man actually thanked them for restoring the Outhouse.
    While the Mudgett's winter in Chicago, they're sure that their restored privy has served as a welcome respite to wayward hunters and snowmobilers alike. The Mudgetts sent photos of their restored Outhouse and told me they would be honored to have their Outhouse included on my web site.
    Oh yes; Note the proximity to the fire pit, where I'm told large quantities of beer are consumed. They call it "natural recycling" and it saves traffic in their house as well as on the well, pump and septic system. |
    What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you
will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator
page. |
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This Home Page was created on February 3, 2001
Most recent revision February 3, 2001 |