Lake Nippissing Ontario Outhouse

Lake Nippissing Ontario Outhouse
Lake Nippissing Ontario Outhouse
Photo from Anonymous
Used by permission

    [This is the actual message to the Curator from this particular contributor]
    Greetings from Toronto, Ontario, Canada!!
    Well, the post super bowl party is over and the [*%#^] ate me out of house and home............heh, heh, gave 'em 10 points on my bet (Denver)!!
    Anyways, I'm semi crap faced......I'm the Canadian Guy that sent you the photos of Cuban Outhouses......still on your site.
    Four of us spent a weekend ice fishing last year on Lake Nippissing. Talking a serious five hour drive North of Toronto. They have this bungalow (sleeps six) out there on the lake.
    Natch, to the side of the bungalow is an outhouse. Well insulated with fiberglas pink and just a propane lamp that acts as a heater.

To make a long story short, we Filled Up the holding tank.

    What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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Most recent revision July 28, 2001