Just Think - Cuba Offers Beachfront Outhouses!

An Outhouse on the Cuba beachA Cuban One-Holer - OUCH!
Just Think - Cuba Offers Beachfront Outhouses!
Photo by a Canadian Traveler
A Rough Way to Go!
Can you figure out what this is a picture of?
Photo by a Canadian Traveler
Every year, this contributor takes a Winter vacation to somewhere warm. Heck, you would too if you lived in the Canadian north country. Anyways, this outhouse was on a deserted Cuban island, on the East end of Cuba, about 3 miles offshore. The picture was taken in 1987. This particular location was about 70 miles from the Florida Keys.
[Curator's Comment] The front appears to be rotting away but as you can see, it is still being used!
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This Home Page was created on Friday June 27, 1997
Most recent revision June 27, 1997