Antique New Hampshire 1800's Outhouse

Left Rear of NH 1800's OuthouseRight Rear view of NH 1800's Outhouse
Left Rear View of 1800's NH Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
Right Rear View of 1800's NH Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
Front of NH 1800's OuthouseView of Left Front of NH 1800's Outhouse
Front View of 1800's NH Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
View of Left Front of an 1800's NH Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
You Think You Have It Rough?
View of Left Front of an 1800's NH Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
The Inside Seats of an 1800's NH Outhouse
Photo by J. Loose
My son was in a free throw shooting contest in Northern New Hampshire this Spring. As we were driving in the middle of nowhere in Northern New Hampshire my son yelled out "There's an old outhouse!". We were running late so I marked the location on the map with the intention to return later that day to photograph it if indeed it was an outhouse.
On the return journey, we began to look in the area which I had marked on the map and sure enough, there was the "thing". I had to walk through tall grass and some snow to get to it. As I approached it, I saw that it was indeed one of the oldest outhouses I have ever discovered. The pictures above show the strange construction details. As you can see, there is one "hole" that is pretty roughly cut! One unique feature on this outhouse is the small glass window in the rear. Another strange thing is the slope of the roof. Instead of sloping the normal way from low in the rear to high in the front, this one slopes from the upper right above the door to the lower left. You know, as I look more closely at this 2-holer, I see the entrance was actually on the side with the 2 "seats" on your left as you go through the door. The door could actually be propped open and still offer the sitter privacy! Therefore, the slope is actually normal because you would be standing in the tallest part. This was indeed one rare find worth taking a lot of pictures of.
What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so here is your chance to add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page. You can use Email to respond.


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This Home Page was created on Sunday May 4, 1997
Most recent revision May 4, 1997