_at Here & _et Gas?

Drawing of a Roadside Cafe with Accessory Buildings
An Old Fashioned Truck Stop...
Scanned by J. Loose

This outhouse was drawn by a ten year old boy. As you can see, the creativity was flowing as the drawing was penned. The letters left out of the beginning of the sign were intentional. Notice the bird house attached to the outhouse. This outhouse is leaning to the right. I wonder why?

Oops! Is this person entering the correct door?

What else can you see in the image shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so here is your chance to add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page. You can use Email to respond.


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Copyright © 1997
This Home Page was created on Tuesday March 4, 1997
Most recent revision March 4, 1997