Georgia's Stone Mountain Brick Outhouse

Georgia's Stone Mountain State Park OuthouseThis Outhouse is a 3-Holer!
Georgia's Stone Mountain State Park Outhouse
Photo by A. Nichols
This Outhouse is a 3-Holer!
Photo by A. Nichols
This brick outhouse is located in the Antebellum Plantation area of Georgia's Stone Mountain State Park. The Antebellum Plantation area has 19 buildings dating from the 1800's. They were moved there from their original sites in Georgia. The buildings are restored and authentically furnished to duplicate an actual plantation.

Many thanks to Mr. Nichols for donating these images for use on the Outhouses of America Tour. The lady in the picture is the photographer's wife, Rose.
For more information you might write or call: Georgia's Stone Mountain Park P.O. box 778, Stone Mountain GA 30086, 404-498-5600. Just tell them you saw their outhouse on the Outhouses of America Tour on the Internet at "".
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Most recent revision July 1, 1998