The Passing of the Backhouse Poem in Poster Format
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An incredible poster featuring The Passing of the Backhouse, a poem about Outhouses
An incredible poster featuring The Passing of the Backhouse,
a poem about Outhouses

Photo from S. Heltzel
    The picture of the poster above was sent to me by Mr. Heltzel of Indiana. The detail on the poster is very unique AND you have to carefully look at ALL the pictures and all the drawings. Many of the drawings are saying something so be sure to look at all of them closely. Here is what Mr. Heltzel had to say: "Really enjoyed looking through your site. I have a couple of friends that have been diggers here in Indiana for quite a few years. One of them is the Assistant Fire Chief here in Richmond Indiana and he sells a lot of his finds on e-bay under jnjjars. Anyway, I am attaching a picture of a poster/print that a good friend of mine gave me about 5 years ago. He said he has had a copy for years and wanted to give me a print. I have no idea where he got a print made this size. The frame is 32 by 25. My friends name was Garrett Boone and he was a retired Art Professor at Earlham College here in Richmond and I used to rent office space from him. He lost his battle with lukemia in March 2001 and I still miss him and his great sense of humor.
    The poem is The Passing of the Backhouse and the words are by James Whitcomb Riley. The Illustrations are by Charlie Ehlers –1951-.
    The gentleman Charlie Ehlers dedicated this to his drinking buddy Benny Penny and there is even a Penny glued to the poster as a tribute. I thought you might enjoy seeing it."

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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