How do you get rid of the SH_T in Vietnam?

Burning excrement in Viet Nam behind the enemy lines; smoke could be seen for miles!
Burning excrement in Viet Nam behind the enemy lines;
smoke could be seen for miles!

Photo from C. Sparks
Used by permission
Burning excrement in Viet Nam behind the enemy lines; smoke could be seen for miles!
Burning excrement in Viet Nam behind the enemy lines;
smoke could be seen for miles!

Photo from C. Sparks
Used by permission
  All Y'all fail to mention the wonderful facilities we military guys were supplied with in Vietnam.. We had 55 gallon drums where the pit should have been and these were pulled out daily and MoGas ( gasoline diesel mix ) was added to the "mixture". This was then set afire and the columns were visible for miles if the winds were calm. Needless to say these were only used on the base the field it was the poop and cover.

  If you would like to see more Vietnam era latrines used by the troops, you can look at them here.

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