West Texas Industrial Outhouse

Beautiful view from this outhouse in West Texas
Beautiful view from this outhouse in West Texas
Photo by T. Shea
Look at the View!
Look at the View!
Photo by T. Shea
    This contributor owns several outhouses, and thought he would submit pictures of one in the high desert of West Texas...what a view! I commented about the picture, saying it looked like a microwave tower and he responded that I have a keen eye. This Outhouse services an old analog relay site. Everything is in immaculate shape. The level of quality and professionalism used to build these sites was very high, and the site(building, tower, outhouse) is perfect forty years later. Built in 1963 for a mostly unattended long distance relay site. A tech would visit monthly or bimonthly, and hence needed a place to "go". It most likely was the first thing built on the site, as it would serve the construction guys who spent several weeks at these sites.

  What else can you see in the images shown? Many times a photo is worth a thousand words and I've only elaborated with a few so why don't you add some "color commentary" to my collection. If your addition is worthy, you will find the quote added on the Comments to the Curator page.

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This Home Page was created on February 16, 2003